I subscribed to sitemeter a loooooong time ago in a web-galaxy far away and it still shoots me e-mails from time to time to let me know how my dusty old blog is doing. For some odd reason, despite how long it has been since my last update, there are those of you who still stop by on occasion. I am not sure what "content" here kept you coming back as I see this as nothing more than rambling or maybe mildly amusing, but thanks for your support.
I have been playing WoW again. I say that in the same way a drunk might say he decided alcohol is really not so bad... I hit 85 with my Boomkin on day two and have been in heroics. I have already bought all that I can use from the Justice Point vendor and now face the long Valor Point grind for an upgrade.
They hurt. They are insanely fun though when you get a group that tries. I feel as though I am in a 5 man raid each time I join up. Raid? Yes Raid. You sit in the LFD tool for 40 minutes as a dps waiting on a spot. There are then several wipes, sometimes a great deal more as you make progress. These bosses have a lot of fun mechanics and I am loving the encounters. Total time once in may be between 2 - 3 hours. So really... just like a raid night :)
A little story....
Last night I am doing my daily valor point heroic and I get in a group of 4 other people from the same guild. My first thought is that is going to be a good run. There should be no rage-quitters from a guilded group. My second thought is, nice... Herioc SFK, one of the easier ones in my opinion.
The group chooses to not use CC... that should have been my first clue.
The group does not bother to explain the first boss to each other.... that should have been my second clue.
I stayed through this. We wiped twice on the first boss and it was only my brez, innervate, and tranquility combo meal that saved the third from being a wipe. No thanks issued, none required... I was doing my job.
Second boss...
Again no explanation. Again a wipe. Three wipes to be exact with no explanation. I run back in, I am the only one to take the portal, I rez the priest and eat while the rest of the gang runs through the instance. We all gather, I buff...
Now I am back at my fishing spot....
I got kicked. No explanation. Just kicked. A 40 min camp in the LFG tool to join a fail group, to be kicked with no explanation as to why. My thoughts? I think they wanted to bring another guildie in the hopes that maybe he knew how to explain the fights to them.
Cataclysm is amazing....