I know I know, I took two solid months off with no update. I got distracted by various things...
I recently decided that my son and I need some more "hobby cash." I took a look around the "man cave" and decided to part with a lot of the stuff that is just gathering dust on the shelves. We are going to cut all the excess 40K armies, our one extra fantasy army and see what that gets us. We may end up parting with the D&D books as well as we never play.
The two of us finally got into Warmachine/Hordes. He selected Trollbloods (bah... that was the army I wanted) and I picked Circle. I have painted and based up my starter box and will post some pictures as soon as I get my camera to play nice. I took some last night and it decided to blur up on me...
The local hobby shop does not support Warmachine/Hordes but we rarely visit anyway so no big loss. We will just play in the garage and infect those around us into joining.... (insert evil laugh here...)
Now, on to the title...
So I mentioned we have been going through our stuff deciding what to sell and what to keep...
As a test we put up all the ultramarines as one lump painted lot and it made it to $80. I am content with that. Nowhere near retail, but at this point the models were valued at $0 in the garage gathering dust. I was hoping for at least $50 and they passed.
Here is the issue I have with eBay... Three days now... No word from the buyer. No money... What is the deal? This douche bid and won in the last 90 seconds... I was watching it.
Oh well... what can you do...