Friday, January 28, 2011

Taking Inventory

This is something that I am going to try and do on at least a monthly basis...

It may help to keep me "honest" and on track about what my son and I are buying for our gaming habit and may shame me into making sure it all gets painted. The bright side is I have not bought any models in over 6 months. The down side... I have not painted in over a year... Time to catch up :)

The aftermath of the last 40k game between my son and I.

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There are also 12 more Guard that need to be painted.


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Sadly, all I did was that one test model to see if I liked how it looked. I did like it, but then rediscovered WoW and forgot the rest...


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This is the list that is going to be painful.
5 Converted meganobz in the imaged above.
10 Grots
10 Stormboyz with one Nob
5 Lootas with one Mekboy
1 Converted Painboy
9 Boyz with Big Shootas
6 Boyz with Rokkits
61 Slugga Boyz
22 Shoota Boyz

At this point in time I do not plan on buying any more models until all of that is complete. However... I have said this in the past and just look at that list.


I may take some terrain breaks and I will post here if for no other reason that I can look back in a year and chuckle.
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