My paint table has been crowded for quite some time. I am not making much progress. This past week was a tough one. I had a good friend lose his 5 year old son. I had to be the one to break it to his teenager. That is a tough thing to do. I am his Youth Minister at Church and they figured he would take it best from me. I am glad that I was there for him, but not something I look forward to ever having to do again.
I think where I stand right now is that mass painting burn out. I have painted a lot of orks since Christmas. A lot of orks. No... you did not hear me... A lot of orks. While I am still all about the orks, I think I need to paint up something special to "revive" me. take an orc break and do something different.
My plan is this...
I think I am going to work on some Cadians. What? Crazy? Yea I know. Take a break from one "horde" army for a "legion" of Cadians. Yea yea... I hear you.
This is my thought...
I can paint some Cadians up to about 1k or so. Just troops and heavy weapons. Save the tanks and setinels and stuff for the re-release. When I come back to the orks after some Cadians, I need to force myself to paint in smaller chunks. I think the mass blocks of orks that I paint at a time is what hurts...
Wish me luck....
Field and Column Terrain Pieces
4 days ago