Well... I saw the new movie today.
I will have to say this... if there is even a small trekkie located somewhere deep inside your being, then you need to see this. I thought it was a great movie. It had everything that a Trek Movie should have.
Crazy Unbelievable Fight Scenes...
Hot Chicks...
Green Chicks...
Logical vs. the Illogical...
As a matter of fact the only thing that was missing was Picard, Data, and Klingons (Namely Warf.)
Now I do not call myself a Trekkie... Although I have been called this before. In my opinion a true Trekkie knows episode numbers... I do not know episode numbers. Have I seen every episode?
Can we forget that last question? No? Well maybe not every single episode of every single series... It took me a while to get into Voyager. There... See... I am not a Trekkie.
I have always been that Geek that goes to the movies opening day/night, or the Conventions and makes fun of the guys that show up dressed up...
Did I want to dress like a Klingon?
I do not think that question is any of your business... And the answer is yes.
The point is I did not.
Back to the topic at hand. I found this movie amazing. I plan on taking my wife to see it when I get back home. I have her excited about it finally. She wanted to see the previous 3 but I ruined them with my grumbling... I complained about the last 3 horribly both before and after. Well... I had high hopes for Locutus... but other than Picard the rest of the movie sucked :(