Last night my son and I played a game of 40k. He was tying out his Chaos Army that we are working on for him. I am building him a Plague Marine force, based off of what is nasty and what he likes. A blending of the two that fits the way he plays. I allowed him to choose what 500 point force I was going to play. My orks with new Warboss on bike, or my Saim-Hermit. He chose Saim-Hermit.
Saim-Hermit (500ish)
Farseer on bike, Doom, Shining Spear
6 Guardian Jetbikes, 2 Shuriken Cannons
6 Guardian Jetbikes, 2 Shuriken Cannons
Vyper, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon
Nurgle Marines(900ish)
Chaos Lord, Terminator, Mark of Nurgle, Lightning claws
6 Plague Marines, 2 Meltagun, Champion, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
6 Plague Marines, 2 Meltagun, Champion, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
6 Plague Marines, 2 Meltagun, Champion, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
It was a fun game. It was a tie, more importantly my son is learning from previous games. When I field my orks against him he spreads out so that my Warboss and company can not pile into everything at once. When I play Eldar he plays close so that I can not easily pick him off.
I managed to kill the Defiler and a couple of Plague Marines.
He took my Farseer and Vyper.
He killed more points that I, but not enough for a victory. He was close though and made sure that I knew it.