As some of you may know, I have a very fond affection for the alt. I have many many alts on many different servers. I have alliance alts, horde alts, pve alts, pvp alts. I even have name reservation alts in case I ever want to play that particular class / race combo. Recently out of “boredom” on my last TDY trip I returned to my Draeni Shaman that has been gathering dust for quite some time. He is the only shaman I have ever got to level 20, and that was my real challenge… just to get there.
I thoroughly enjoyed this past week with him. I did not devote the whole week to him. There were a few nights on crappy hotel wi-fi that I did not even get to log in. The nights that I did make it and was able to pull myself away from leveling blacksmithing on my paladin… belonged to my shaman. It was like a breathe of fresh air. I loved it. I have an enhancement spec and was just mowing through things. I have no twink gear mind you just ah greens here and there and quest items.
Every now and then I come across a gem of an alt that I have been “saving.” They truly are GEMS.
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Gallic Chariots
1 day ago