Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2000 Point Robotech

Ok... So this is not really Robotech. It was false advertising... When I first thought of it though I though... hey... This reminds me of that cartoon I watched as a kid with all the Zentradi. It had jetbikes, and walkers and cool flying things... yea...

So here is what crazy idea that I came up with. I love crazy lists... and this is one of them.

NEW & Improved List (I did not realize the Walker weapons would not be twin-linked... thus the change)

Avenger Shuriken Catapult

Avenger Shuriken Catapult

9 Dire Avengers
Exarch, Bladestorm

Wave Serpent
Twin-Linked Brightlance, Star Engines

9 Dire Avengers
Exarch, Bladestorm

Wave Serpent
Twin-Linked Brightlance, Star Engines

Vyper Squad (3)

Vyper Squad (3)

Vyper Squad (3)
Eldar Missile Launcher

War Walker Squad (3)
Eldar Missile Launcher

War Walker Squad (3)

War Walker Squad (3)
Scatter Laser

Did you see that? 2000 points with 9 vypers and 9 war walkers... crazy. Is it a good list? I do not know... Do I care? Nope lol

As some of you may know I love to field crazy things... This certainly qualifies... Time to start buying up some models...

Sherpa, if you are reading this... Now who seems crazier :) Great job on those trees again.
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