I know I know. I had the camera. You see what happened was this...
I was playing a chaos player with Lash. I reached for my camera and he passed his psychic test. He then promptly rolled some dice and moved my camera just out of reach. It seemed like every time I went for the camera he used the power. I spent the whole game reaching for it, getting oh so close... but just came up with an epic fail.
It was a very close game. We both had an objective and both contested. We both killed the highest HQ of the opponent. The third "goal" was victory points. I killed more than he did and received 5 points for the game. A very informative game, as this was the first time I had seen lash... ever... Just an evil power. Lash + Demon Prince Ate my Warboss and all 10 Nobz in combat in one turn. Well... His close combat phase followed by mine that is.
So... What do I have for you? The following images of the painted armies for your enjoyment....
On another note... I am going camping for the weekend... Catch everyone later :)