Monday's have become Hermit Game Nights around my house. My wife has a Bible study she goes to so the house is all mine from 6ish to 9ish... well... me and the kids.
So the guy I "converted" to miniature war gaming, Nick, has been coming over working out his Marine build. He is getting better quick, which is a good thing. He has been getting more Saturday games in than me too... So... It will not be long before my padawan confronts the master... heh
He is building up a Salamanders army and it is looking good. He is painting a lot. He has a lot of free time on his hands with a medical retirement from the Army. Really cool guy and picking up on the nuances of the game fast.
I have been running my basic Ork list and want feedback. I do not want to improve it. Nay! What I want is to make sure I have not cheesed him. I do not see my army as overkill, it is the standard 1500 that I run, just want anyone out there that comes across this to give me their thoughts.
Again... I am not trying to improve. What I am after is to make sure that I am not overpowered cheese here. We end up calling most of the games do to pending wipe. We have loads of fun, and that is what counts... I want to keep it that way.
Here is my list...
Powerklaw, Twin-Link Shoota, Attack Squig
9 Nobz
3 PK, 3 Big Choppa, 3 Choppa, 3 Bosspole, 3 Eavy Armor
4 Big Shoota, Zzap Gun, Armor Plates, Ard Case, Deff Rolla, Grot Riggers, Red Paint Job
19 Boyz & Nob
Big Shoota, Pk & Bosspole
4 Big Shoota, Zzap Gun, Armor Plates, Ard Case, Deff Rolla, Grot Riggers, Red Paint Job
11 Boyz & Nob
PK & Bosspole, Trukk, Red Paint Job
4 Deffkopta
4 Twin-Link Rokkit Launcha, Buzzsaw
4 Deffkopta
4 Twin-Link Rokkit Launcha, Buzzsaw
Field and Column Terrain Pieces
4 days ago