Wow.. look at here... two posts in a single day? I think I deserve bonus NaBloPoMo points or something...
I think Guards should get better AI. I have no problem with a town being raided. I think that is cool. If a group is willing to go out of their way to raid XRs, or Goldshire, or wherever then that is cool. However, I think the existing guards should work together. Perhaps put a priest in there with them to act as a healer? Make it a little more challenging that just riding up and picking off the guards one at a time. How about do something like is done with the Moroes fight. Make it a random group that changes "shifts." Perhaps 1 or 2 roaming groups for a small town and maybe more for larger cities?
On another note I think that "taunt" mechanics and threat reduction should have a pvp effect. Perhaps make "taunt" mechanics auto target whomever taunts you. I do not feel as though it should take control of your toon, just make you lose your current target. Here is an example...
Say we have 5v5 with the same makeup for simplicity sake. 1 Warrior, 1 Priest, 1 Rogue, 1 Mage, and 1 Hunter. Nothing special, just as an example. Now they go in with this in mind... rogue, hunter, mage crowd control.... warrior tank, priest heals. Easy. Now the rogue,hunter, mage are also of course our dps. Why would they hit the warrior? Take out that priest first.... However, lets suppose that the taunt now worked for pvp... The rogue gets on the priest and starts ripping in. The warrior drops his taunt and now the rogue has his target auto changed for him. He can still change his target back, but it gave the warrior / priest a few more secs to work with. If this were a paladin and not a warrior, now the rogue, mage, and hunter have to change their targets back.
On this same note, what if threat reduction did something similiar. You could pop your threat reduction and force your aggressor to lose you as a target. They could always retarget you, but again, it gives you a precious second or two for a heal, or pot, or just to run for your life.
Having put this out there, perhaps it should give an automatic 2 sec of "You can not target me". With the taunt perhaps force whomever into a 2 sec "You have to target me". I do not know how this would change things, but it sounds cool to me...
Field and Column Terrain Pieces
4 days ago