I recently made a confession that I have the very deadly disease "Altivitus." I do not for see ever finding the cure to that particular ailment, and have just learned to live with it. The symptoms are not overly worrisome, and really only affect "guild time."
I have come to the conclusion that I have an even more deadly disease... "AHA." The scientific name is Amustis Havif Allofeverything, commonly called Auction House Addiction. AHA is a terrible thing. It affects one's gold supply, "guild time" (to replenish said gold), and travel time, just to name a few...
In short the problem boils down to this. I go to the AH with good intentions. My plan is simple. I want to put up for auction, this netherweave cloth, these mined bars, or these skins, or whatever else I may have to produce income. What happens? I will tell you... I can not just list. Like some sort of sick compulsion I need to browse...
I search for plate on my paladin.... I search for "goofing off weapons" (You know the skills you never use but level when you run "lowbies" through instances) ... I search for "deals"... I search for tank gear, or healing gear... I just search...
Now, you may ask yourself, "Self, what does this have to do with the title?" Quit rushing me... I am getting there...
I need a new addon. I need an addon that allows me to set a target purchase, and save for it. I need it to "steal" a set amount of my gold and reserve it for that purchase. I need it to hide it so well that even unloading the addon will not find it. I would even like it to be able to separate my funds into different reserves for different targets that I want all at the same time. What should we call this addon...... LAY-A-WAY!
Field and Column Terrain Pieces
4 days ago