I know not what it is about that last level, but for me it is the worst. I do not care at what point in your "WoW Career" you are in, for me, it always seems like the most grueling. When I was level 9 at the lowbies, as quick as they go, it seemed like level 10 was harder than level 11. When I was level 39, getting to level 40 seemed like it took forever. Pre-BC, level 59 was the longest, and now I am sitting at level 69 with my paladin and creeping through 1 bub at a time. The thing of it is, I have run out of easy quests in Nagrand. I do not want to have to move on to Blade's Edge, or Netherstorm, or Shadowmoon until I have a flying mount. I have limited the area in which I level, and so now I am stuck killing ogres and watching my xp bar slowing creep towards level 70. The only perk is... at 70 I would still be killing these suckers for the beads and rep. Two birds with one stone I guess...